Pool FAQ's

Pool FAQ's

Q: How am I paid out my BTC? Is it a manual process, and what’s the minimum threshold? 
A: BTC is paid out from Migodi Pool once daily automatically to the wallet address you provide. Our minimum payout threshold is 0.0005 BTC 

Q: Where can I enter my wallet address?  
A: Navigate to “Settings” in the top bar. Go to the algorithm/coin you’re mining in the table and select “Configure Coin. You will be asked to go through a 2FA process and once complete, enter your wallet address in the tool bar.

Q: I have a Scrypt miner. Can I still earn Scrypt Rewards?

A: Rewards for mining are paid out in BTC at this time. A BTC Wallet address is thus required even for Scrypt mining Algorithms. 

Q: What time are accruals calculated? 

A: Accruals are calculated daily from 0:00-0:00 UTC

Q: Can I connect my GPU to the pool and mine? 

A: GPU mining is not support - yet. We expect to have GPU compatible Algorithms on our pool in the future. 

Is there a mobile application for the pool? 

A: Not yet - we expect to have this Q1. 

Q: I'm having a hard time with a problem on the pool that's not covered here. How can I get help?
A: send an email to help@migodi.com or create a ticket using our portal (You will be required to make an account). We will get back to you within 24 hours.

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